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School effectiveness

Ofsted inspection framework

From September 2019 the Ofsted education inspection framework (EIF) has applied, setting out new inspection principles and the main judgements.

Ofsted found that the previous inspection framework accountability system could divert schools from the real substance of education and that, what children learnt came second to delivering performance data.

This performance data added unnecessary workload for teachers and led to teaching to the test and narrowing of the curriculum, which had the greatest negative effect on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

The grading scale (outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate) will stay the same. Safeguarding remains a sharp focus along with meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.

What are the new Ofsted judgements?

Overall effectiveness is now judged across the four areas of:

  • quality of education
  • personal development
  • behaviour and attitudes
  • leadership and management

Greater emphasis on mental health and wellbeing

There are now separate judgements for ‘personal development and ‘behaviour and attitudes, adding greater emphasis to the aspects of personal development such as healthy living, citizenship, equality and diversity, careers, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The EIF is built around factors that have the greatest protective effect on all children and their mental health. These are:

  • a good education
  • high-quality pastoral care
  • a culture that promotes a strong connection between children and learners and their community

Greater emphasis on curriculum and knowledge learned

Quality of education puts curriculum at the heart of inspection and incorporates:

  • curriculum design, coverage, delivery and appropriateness
  • teaching pedagogy
  • assessment
  • attainment and progress
  • reading
  • readiness for the next stage of education

As part of the new framework schools should be able to articulate their curriculum in reference to the three I’s:

  • Intent: aims of the programme of education, demonstrating a rich and varied curriculum including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage.
  • Implementation: translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative – the process of delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Impact: evaluate what knowledge and skills pupils have gained against expectations. It should demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum but also with greater emphasis on personal development, behaviour and attitudes of pupils.

Devon Education Services can offer support with the education inspection framework to schools.
