The Schools Finance Data Power BI Dashboard has recently been updated to include the trial balance and payroll reconciliation reports. These reports mirror those received via AnyComms, meaning schools can look at this data at any time via the dashboard.
Please use the following link to find further information about the dashboard: Financial Data for Schools – Power BI (Guidance Pages)
Please use the following link for direct access to the Dashboard: Financial Data for Schools – Power BI
Full instructions to help users with the dashboard, are provided via the web page linked above. A useful quick card has been created to provide a step by step run-through for users.
If you aren’t currently set up as a user of this report, please see guidance below.
User Account Queries
If you wish to register as a user of the PowerBI dashboard or have any queries with it, please contact us via our Team Mailbox
In your email, please state that your query relates to the Maintained Schools Power BI Dashboard to ensure this reaches to correct team member.