Circle of adults – Supporting staff in problem-solving around challenging behaviour
The circles of adults approach utilises a structured form of colleague support to mobilise adult thinking about problem behaviour and to arrive at agreed strategies.
Circle of adults sessions encourage consistent staff responses and a team approach to managing challenging behaviour.
A typical session includes:
- Setting ground rules.
- Initial case presentation.
- Building a rich, descriptive picture of the child’s needs and circumstances.
- Developing empathetic thinking.
- Reflecting on relationships.
- Looking at the child’s context.
- Exploring hypotheses.
- Agreeing strategies.
- A visual record of the session.
Sessions last for 90 minutes and require a minimum of six and a maximum of 12 staff members, including the case presenter.
Circle of adults sessions can be used:
- for single consultations for individual children with challenging behaviour
- to create a forum for multiagency discussion and problem solving
- as continuing professional development for those working with difficult and challenging youngsters (when delivered as a series of sessions)
Further follow-up and training can be offered so that staff can facilitate their own sessions.
Comments from previous evaluations include the following:
“Excellent session – liked the framework”.
“Good to get staff together to talk”.
“Enabled me to feel positive about this child”.
“Total relief to sit and talk about this child”.
“Brilliant – getting staff to agree and adhere to strategies”.