What is Moving and Handling?
Moving and Handling is defined as “any transporting or supporting of a load. Including lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling or carrying by hand or bodily force”. In schools and settings a “load” could be a student or their equipment.
Safer Moving and Handling
Manually lifting all or most of a person’s weight is not recommended or desirable, and there are safer ways, such as using mechanical aids (hoists) or individually prescribed equipment.
We should follow a minimal manual handling policy, using the letters AARR can help to remember good practice:
A – Avoid handling wherever possible to do so
A – Assess the risk if it is not possible to avoid
R – Reduce the risk to the lowest practicable level
R – Review the risk assessment on an annual basis, or when something changes
Moving and Handling in Schools and Settings
Moving and Handling in schools and settings encompasses many activities;
- Transfers of students; for instance into or out of a wheelchair
- Facilitating mobility; pushing a wheelchair, helping a student to stand, guiding a student.
- Moving students’ equipment; e.g. taking their specialised seating system from place to place at school
- Working at a low level; bending over tables, working whilst bent over.
Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Moving and Handling Trainers should work with school staff to ensure that the correct skills, systems, and equipment is in place to minimise the risks that might come with these activities.
Legal requirements in School and Settings
Employers and employees both have a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to look after our own and other employees who may be affected by our ‘acts or omissions’.
Most UK Health and Safety Legislation can be accessed through the Health and Safety executive website.
This legislation requires schools and settings to have certain documents and processes in place;
- Risk assessments (Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2006)
- Moving and Handling plans (also known as Safe systems of work) (Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992)
- A Moving and Handling Policy (Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992)
- An Intimate care policy and plan (The Equality Act 2010)
- A way of reporting accidents (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)
- A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) (The Equality Act 2010)
The legislation also places other responsibilities on employers in addition to the creation and maintenance of the documents above;
- Training of employees (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974)
- Reduction of risks (to children and employees) to their lowest practicable level (Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992)
- Providing suitable and safe equipment (Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998)
- Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children (Keeping children safe in education 2023)
Employees have responsibilities too;
- Making use of equipment and handling plans provided by employers (Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992)
- Following information and guidance provided by employers (Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992)
- Safeguarding themselves and others (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974)
- Using equipment appropriately (Management of Health and Safety at Work 1999)
Note: The points above are a summary of responsibilities and do not represent an exhaustive list.
Training from Devon Education Services
Devon Education Services provide Initial and Refresher training in the Moving and Handling of Children and Young People with Physical Difficulties
Subjects covered in the training include:
- Practical Handling Techniques
- How to Keep Your Back Safe
- Handling Aids
- Risk Assessment
- Handling Plans
- Intimate Care
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
- Legal Requirements
Links to these courses are below:
Moving and handling of children and young people with physical difficulties – Initial (in-person)
Moving and handling of children with physical difficulties – Refresher (in-person)
The resources below are intended to be used together with guidance from a moving and Handling Course such as those specified above.
- Gathering information
- Handling plan
- PEEP Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
- Risk assessment