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School effectiveness

Statutory Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education

Links between wellbeing and attainment have long been recognised and so the DfE introduced guidance for two new statutory subjects: Relationships Education (primary) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (secondary) for all state-funded schools. This does not apply to post-16, although PSHE is statutory for independent schools.

The guidance makes clear links to the national curriculum for PE and computing and notes the importance of flexibility and schools’ freedom to determine an age appropriate, developmental curriculum which meets the needs of their pupils.

The guidance provides a statutory framework of understanding that pupils should know about Relationships Education, by the time they leave Primary School (page 20) and RSE (page 27). Good practice would also develop skills in a values-based or ‘positive virtues’ framework. There is also a section on sex education for Primary Schools (page 23) and the importance of teaching about online relationships is emphasised, as is teaching about LGBT issues which should be integrated throughout relationships (and sex) education.

The expectations emphasise the importance of involving of the wider community in developing the curriculum and retain parents’ right to withdraw their child from some, or all, aspects of sex education (except Science) but, three terms before the young person becomes 16, they may opt in to RSE, even if their parents wish them to be ‘excused’.

The importance of engaging with external agencies is noted although there is no acknowledgement of the role of local Public Health / School nursing to enhance provision and bring specialist support.

Expectations around pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development remain unchanged. Schools may wish to access the National SMSC Quality Mark or My Health My School.

School policies will have to be published, and need to be reviewed in conjunction with a number of other important documents including, but not restricted to:

To help meet these statutory requirements, and to improve provision, we are offering the National PSHE CPD programme which is enormously helpful not just to teachers but also youth workers, health professionals and the police.
