Our termly training programme is offered both virtually and in a variety of locations across Devon and is available for all settings. Boards subscribing to our service can access many courses free of charge.
Contact the team for further information on 01392 287314 or by email: schoolgovernance@devon.gov.uk
Details of all our governance training and how to book can be found at our Devon Education Services shop.
Training opportunities for the autumn term 2024
Introduction to governance for governors in maintained schools (A)
Wednesday 18 September, Live interactive webinar, 17.30-19.30
Thursday 14 November, Exeter venue, 09.30-13.00
Introduction to governance and compliance at trust board level (academy trustees/directors) (A)
Tuesday 1 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-12.00
Introduction for local or hub board members (academy schools) (A)
Thursday 7 November, Live interactive webinar, 17.30-19.30
Introduction to school governance in an academy trust (academies – all tiers of governance) (A)
Thursday 24 October, Buckfastleigh Conference Centre, 09.30-13.00
Leadership of the governing board (A)
Wednesday 25 September, Exeter venue, 10.00¬-12.00
Effective governance for school leaders (A)
Tuesday 12 November, Live interactive webinar, 10.30¬-12.00
Developing your governing skills – the next step (A)
Thursday 3 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.00¬-12.00
Heads, chairs and clerks – supporting the delivery of strategic governance (B)
Wednesday 6 November, Exeter venue, 09.30-14.00
Governance updates (A)
Tuesday 8 October, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.30
Wednesday 9 October, Live interactive webinar, 16.00-17.00
Introduction for new clerks (A)
Tuesday 24 September, Live interactive webinar, 10.30-12.30
Wednesday 13 November, Exeter venue, 10.00-13.00
Effective minute taking (B)
Tuesday 8 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.30-12.30
Appeal panels for complaints and exclusions – the role of the clerk (A)
Wednesday 20 November, Live interactive webinar, 10.30-12.00
The clerk as an administrator and facilitator for the board (A)
Tuesday 15 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Effective communication and managing challenging situations – for clerks and governance professionals (A)
Tuesday 19 November, Exeter venue , 10.00-12.00
Clerks’ briefings (A)
Tuesday 1 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.30-12.00
Wednesday 2 October, Exeter venue , 10.00-12.00
Thursday 3 October, Live interactive webinar, 17.00-18.30
The governance of safeguarding (A)
Tuesday 8 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Responsibilities of the safeguarding lead (B)
Thursday 7 November, Live interactive webinar, 13.00-14.30
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) (B)
Thursday 10 October , Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Understanding the primary curriculum (B)
Wednesday 16 October, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Headteacher appraisal – the role of governors and trustees (B)
Thursday 26 September, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Tuesday 22 October, Live interactive webinar, 17.30-19.00
Pupil exclusions procedures (A)
Thursday 17 October , Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Complaints – prevention and managing (A)
Tuesday 26 November , Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Secondary governance – making an impact (A)
Tuesday 19 November, Live interactive webinar, 10.00-11.30
Ofsted – what the board should expect and how to prepare (A)
Thursday 21 November, Live interactive webinar, 12.00-13.00
Governance in special schools – networking session (A)
Wednesday 27 November, Live interactive webinar, 10.30-12.00
Attendance and behaviour (A)
Thursday 19 September, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
Supporting school leaders health and wellbeing (A)
Wednesday 16 October, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
Introduction to governing finance in maintained schools (A)
Wednesday 2 October, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
Budget planning and monitoring in maintained schools (A)
Tuesday 5 November, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
Governing the finances – Introduction for academy schools (A). To register an interest in this session please contact us at schoolgovernance-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
What is partnership? (A)
Tuesday 10 October, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
Securing great outcomes for your disadvantaged children (A)
Tuesday 3 December, Live interactive webinar, 12.30-13.15
‘A’ sessions are at 100% discount for subscribing schools. ‘B’ sessions are at a 65% discount for standard subscribers and 100% discount for premium subscribers. Non-subscribing schools are very welcome to attend any sessions of their choice, prices can be seen on our online shop.
How to apply
All course bookings should be made online via the Devon Education Services Shop:
Training, conferences and professional development | DES (devoneducationservices.co.uk)
If you have not booked using this system before, you will need to register as a ‘New User’. Alternatively, ask your clerk to governors to make the booking on your behalf.
If you have any queries regarding session content please contact the Governance Consultancy Team at schoolgovernance@devon.gov.uk or 01392 287314.
If you require help using the online booking system please contact educate.educationtraining-mailbox@devon.gov.uk or 01392 287224.