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Monitoring & Reporting 90: Reminder – FRS Budget Monitoring Reports

Please be aware of recent changes to file name requirements when submitting FRS Budget Monitoring Reports to Devon County Council via AnyComms.

Guidance to assist with the preparation and submission of the report for Devon, is provided on the following page, under the heading ‘Budget Monitoring FRS’: Budgets – Support for schools and settings (

A summary of the file name requirement changes is provided below:

FRS File Name Requirements

3.) It is also imperative that you save the file in the following format else you will not be able to upload and submit the file with AnyComms:
• Where **** = the 4 digit DfE school number.
• Where schoolname = the name of the school with no spaces.
• Where YY = the year the FRS was created.
• Where MM = the Month the FRS was created.
• Where DD = the day the FRS monitor was created.
• Where TTTT = the time the FRS monitor was created using a 24 hour
For example, Axminster Primary school who created an FRS monitor on the 3rd May 2024 within the financial year 2024/25 at 3:56pm would call their FRS monitor as:

If you have any queries with this process, please let us know via the Schools Finance Mailbox:
