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Monitoring & Reporting 84: Access Budgeting 2024/25 – Issues with recent Mandatory Update

We are aware that the recent upgrade that was rolled out by the access group to the 2024/25 budget year in access budgets has resulted in a few issues and we are working closely with them on resolving these, but unfortunately they are suffering a resource issue due to COVID 19 and therefore we haven’t yet got a timescale to resolve these issues but will keep you informed as to the progress in resolving them.

At present we are aware of the following issues which you need to be aware of.


  • Under scenario pay factors LGPS rate needs to be amended to 21.8% and assigned to pensionable contracts
  • For Teachers Pension rates it should read 28.68% again assign to pensionable contracts.
  • Under scenario pay scales you need to review teachers pay rates and NJC pay rates to ensure that they reflect the 2023 rates, they may have reverted to 2022 rates.
  • We are recommending 3.5% for 2024/25 for both teachers and non teachers, for future years feel free to discuss with your finance consultant.

School Budget Share

There are issues around the following elements of the School Budget Share (SBS)

  • Primary AWPU
  • Mobility

Until these have been resolved please make use of the SBS calculator on the school finance part of the DCC website and use the published total to adjust your SBS allocations, we recommend a separate line on non budget share income under SBS to enter this adjustment.

If you are unclear, please don’t hesitate to contact your finance consultant who can work with you to resolve the issues.
