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General 174: REMINDER – Access Education Budgeting Software Update – W/C 10th Jan 2022

A reminder that the update to Access Budgeting is scheduled to take place week commencing 10th January 2022. I have been assured that there will be no down-time during this transitional period.

If you currently sign in directly to the product then your experience will change. The following web page provides further information about the upcoming changes: Access Education Budgets and Finance | Welcome to Access Workspace (

When you first try to log into the system post upgrade then you will be redirected to a sign up page where your username should already be populated. You will be prompted to set up a password and from that point you will be able to log into and navigate to whichever product you want to access using the 9 dot menu in the top left of the screen.

The overall functionality of the software will remain the same, but you and your staff will all benefit from some handy apps accessible from the new Access workspace screens.

If you experience any difficulties during the transition, please contact Access Representative Anouzka LowrieHerz, who will be able to assist with queries relating to this process:
