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Funding 65: Consultation – Schools Funding Arrangements 2023-24

Schools Funding Arrangements 2023-24

In 2023-24, as in previous years, the local authority will continue to set a local schools’ funding formula, in consultation with its schools, under what is known as a ‘soft’ National Funding Formula (NFF).  The government have recently sought views on implementing a ‘direct’ NFF from 2027-28, which will determine school funding allocations directly, rather than a local funding formula.

As we continue to see pressures in fuel, cost of living and the overall funding demands within the council, the local authority acknowledges the need to make the consultation and information events via a virtual setting again to allow people to attend. We encourage you to share your views with us by booking onto these events and responding to the consultation.

The virtual meetings to take place :

Date Time
Wednesday 5th October 2022 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Thursday 6th October 2022 9.30am – 12.30pm

Online bookings can be made via Online Booking Form.

Please Note:  As these events are being held using Teams we will require an email address for each attendee to ensure that an invite goes out for the events.

Booking closes Tuesday 4th October at Noon.

Consultations – Support for schools and settings (
