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Closedown 2021/22: School Leases – for 2021/22 Annual Accounts

School Leases – for 2021/22 Annual Accounts

Thank you to the schools that have responded so far.  A large number of existing leases have been confirmed, and new leases added, so that we are constantly building a more accurate position of leased equipment

Each school has been sent a letter, with an individual key code – to enable access to school leases that we have recorded as held by each school last year.  Please let me know if you need the passcode, or other information via the mailbox below.

Link to the leases file:Schools Equipment Leases 21-22 – EXTERNAL.xlsx (

To provide details of new leases – please use the ‘New leases Pro-forma’ spreadsheet under Capital Forms.  Access via this link:Capital Forms

Even if you do not have any lease equipment, I would be grateful of a response to confirm this, so that we can ensure that our records are correct.

It would be appreciated if those schools that have not yet replied, and have leases, to confirm existing leases, and provide details of new leases to the capital schools mailbox (below) by 25th March 2022

Thanks again to each of you for your cooperation and assistance with this
