Closedown 2021/22: Reminder – Schools EOY Tasks
Please see tasks and deadlines below with guidance relating to schools closedown.
- X-Back Adjustments – Submission deadline has now passed (25th March 2022)
- End of Year Adjustments Spreadsheet – due 29th March 2022
- Deficit/Surplus Balance Reporting 2021/22 – due 29th March 2022
Please be aware of other upcoming deadlines via this link: Schools Tasks and Deadlines Document 2021/22
1. X-Back Adjustments – Provided via AnyComms as a pre-populated form
The X-Back adjustment exercise will be carried out via AnyComms pre-populated form this year, please ensure you review the pre-populated form and be aware of the following information you may receive:
Received entries in pre-populated form
These will be your pay related 2020/21 actuals. You must review them and amend/delete entries as required and return to us by 5pm on the 25th March 2022. Note that all entries returned to us in the pre-populated form will be processed so please ensure these are accurate.
Received blank entries in the pre-populated form
You will need to enter your required pay related adjustments to this form and return to us. If you do not have any adjustments to make, please send a nil return back to us within AnyComms, by 5pm on the 25th March 2022.
Note: If you are part of a single budget federation, only the hub school will receive a pre-populated form for completion.
If you do not receive an AnyComms pre-populated form for X-Back adjustments, please let us know via our mailbox:
2. End of Year Adjustments – Provided via AnyComms as Excel Spreadsheet
These will be sent to you via AnyComms for any 2021/22 adjustments you wish to post. Please ensure you use the template sent to you and do not use any templates from previous years.
- Please do not include Payroll-related entries on this spreadsheet as they will need to be entered as part of the X-Back Adjustment exercise (More detail provided below).
- When submitting a new version of the workbook, please add version number to document name (Guidance provided within workbook Instructions Tab) and ensure this version only includes your amendments and new entries only, do not re-submit your original entries as these will create duplicate entries within FINEST.
- Please note that all workbook submissions will be processed, so ensure your entries are accurate and complete.
The reason this process has changed is because schools have experienced difficulties accessing the document via our website in previous years. This should also help ensure all schools have a blank copy to work with, as the template hosted online can be subject to accidental editing.
Note: If you are part of a single budget federation, only the hub school will receive an Excel spreadsheet for completion.
If you do not receive a spreadsheet via AnyComms, please let us know as soon as possible via our mailbox:
3. Deficit/Surplus Balance Reporting 2021/22
An AnyComms pre-populated form will also be used to collate school returns for this task. Please review the form and answer all questions, once complete, please return via AnyComms. This is to be returned to us by 5pm 29th March 2022.
We will require an detailed explanation for Deficit/Surplus Balances that fall within the following thresholds. Please record your cumulative deficit/surplus balance on the return:
- Surplus balances that are 5% or more of delegated resources (School Budget Share) for Secondary schools or 8% or more for Special and Primary schools. There will be no requirement to report where the balance is less than £50,000.
- ANY Deficit balance. If for whatever reason a school has a deficit balance at the end of a financial year, the deficit should be treated as a charge against the school’s budget share for the following year.
Note: If you are part of a single budget federation, only the hub school will receive a pre-populated form for completion.
If you do not receive an AnyComms pre-populated form for deficit/surplus balance reporting, please let us know via our mailbox: