Impact Assessment – Rifford Road two-way cycle track
This project is a highway infrastructure project. It involves the delivery of a two-way segregated cycle track along Rifford Road in Exeter. The cycle track will run for a distance of approx. 700m from the junction of Rifford Road with Honiton Road to the junction of Rifford Road with Ludwell Lane. The scheme will be made possible by the reallocation of highway space achieved by the removal of central hatching that currently exists along the main carriageway on Rifford Road and the limited loss of car parking spaces (16 spaces).
The existing footway kerbs will be removed and extended into the carriageway to create the space for the two-way cycle track. The cycle track will be delivered at footway level but segregated from the footway by a raised kerb and using differentiated colouring.
The scheme will also narrow the junctions of a number of side roads along Rifford Road and include priority measures for people walking and cycling. This will reduce the speed of turning vehicles into the roads and should improve the comfort for people using wheelchairs or pushing pushchairs.
An overview of the scheme and copy of the consultation report is available to view on the scheme consultation website1.