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Traffic information

A30 Crawley – Highway stabilisation works

What has happened

A slip occurred at this location because the supporting bank became unstable. The slip material has subsequently gathered against the farmers cattle shed below.Image show unstable bank along the A30

What we are doing

Ground investigations,  and topographical surveys were completed to facilitate an options report for this location.

A design had been worked up to install sheet piles and rebuild the bank to provide the required support to allow the road to be reopened. This proposal has now been deemed unsuitable due to the size of the rig required to install them. It would likely require an 80 Tonne crane to lift in the sheet piles and install them to the required depth which would require a full road closure, which is not feasible due to the road being a strategic route.

An alternative option has been designed, procured and is currently under construction. The works involve Redrock as the soil nailing Designer, Bridge Civil Engineering as the Principal Contractor, Vertical Technology as the soil nailing sub-contractor, and Richter as the retaining wall designer.

Works are in progress currently which has involved the stabilisation of the bank via the use of soil nails and netting which works to create a safe working environment for the contractors to begin the installation of the final permanent solution. This is a reinforced concrete cantilever wall, approximately 4.7m tall and 10.5m in length which will be joined into the slopes projecting soil nails.

Upon completion of the retaining wall, the road effected by the slip will be resurfaced which will require the use of a night-time full road closure, between 7 to 11 October 2024. Efforts to control surface run off water will be considered and implemented.

Works are progressing on target, and are due to complete by the end of October 2024.

Traffic management

This is currently being managed by two-way temporary traffic lights.

We are continuing to work to get the bank stable and the road reopened as quick as possible, whilst avoiding the need for a full road closure.
