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Report a problem

How to report a pothole or road defect in Devon

Please do not report a pothole that has already been reported

Our map displays potholes that have already been reported as well as potholes that have been scheduled for repair (indicated with a ‘roadworks’ sign).

If an icon is already present on the map, please do not create an additional report.

Each report we receive is assessed onsite by a trained highway safety inspector. We do not ignore any reports that we receive, however, we do have to prioritise our funding as we cannot afford to fix all of the problems that are reported to us.

We prioritise repairing potholes, on roads, that have a 40 mm (4 cm) vertical edge and are 300 mm (30 cm) wide as these are the biggest risk to highway users.

All reports should be assessed onsite within seven calendar days. Following the assessment, repairs will be carried out by the end of the next working day, seven or 28 calendar days (depending on the outcome of the assessment) if confirmed as a priority pothole.

We will repair smaller potholes, and other road surface issues, as and when resources are available and as part of our planned works programmes.

2 twenty pence coins demonstrating a height of 40mm and a ruler demonstrating a width of 300 millimetres

Please see the images below which illustrate a pothole with a vertical edge:

A diagram illustrating when a pothole will be classed as an actionable defect.
A diagram illustrating when a pothole will not be classed as an actionable defect.

You can find out more about our pothole criteria in our safety inspection policy.

Visit our Help and Support page for frequently asked questions about potholes and other highway matters.

Before you start

If you are reporting an emergency that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious property damage please instead call us on 0345 155 1004.
