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Report a problem

Report a parking problem

Please be aware that this service is for requesting enforcement of on-street parking restrictions only and we are unable to deal with other matters.

If you’d like more information or advice please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0345 155 1004 in the first instance.

Before you contact us

Please ensure that the issue you are reporting is covered in the list below.

We currently manage the enforcement of:

  • no waiting restrictions (yellow lines)
  • residents’ parking permits
  • loading bays
  • pay and display parking (on-street)
  • pedestrian dropped kerbs (with or without access protection markings)
  • vehicle dropped kerbs (with or without access protection markings) – please include your car registration
  • disabled bays
  • bus stops
  • limited waiting

If you believe that a vehicle has been left in a place that may be dangerous to other road users or pedestrians and is causing an obstruction to the highway or over a footpath and should be removed you should contact the police.

Abandoned vehicles should be reported to your local district, city or borough council.

When you are using the map, if you can see that the same request has already been made, please use the option to ‘Add me to this request’ instead of creating a duplicate report.
