One essential visitor parking permit is available to any full-time resident who relies on their family or friends for regular support in order to continue living independently in their own home. The price for this parking permit is currently £10.00.
Typically, these permits are issued to our older residents with infirmities or residents of any age with ongoing medical conditions, or a disability, with or without a Blue Badge. The permit may also be used for childcare by parents who rely on family members for babysitting duties for children under 12 years of age.
The permit is issued to the resident to be given to their essential visitor for them to display in their car whilst they are providing care or support. When the visit is over, the permit should be handed back to the resident for re-use at another time.
All applications will require supporting evidence to demonstrate eligibility for the permit and ongoing eligibility at the time of renewal. You will need to upload two evidence proofs with your application. We’re looking for:
- one piece of evidence to show that you are the owners or occupiers of the address, for example, Council Tax bill, tenancy agreement, utility bill, bank or benefit statement (only showing the name and address of the applicant, nothing more)
- a letter from a GP or hospital or copy of a prescription or if you have a Blue Badge a photo or copy of the badge showing the holder’s name, badge number and expiry date
If this permit is for childcare use by family members coming to your address, one of the evidence documents must show the age or the date of birth of the youngest child being looked after. A passport or birth certificate that has a date of birth in the child’s name will suffice.
We’re unable to authorise use of this permit type when children are taken to another family members home address whilst the parents are at work. e.g the grandparents home address. A permit is not required when dropping off or collecting a passenger(s).
As part of the application you will need to provide a supporting statement – please give as much detail as you are able and willing to share, about how the permit will be used to support you and how often you think you will use it.
Family, friends or support workers may apply on behalf of the person or persons they support, but the application and supporting documents should be in the name of the resident who will be the permit holder.
If you have already registered for an account to buy other permit types for your address, select the home page when MiPermit opens using the link below and buy via your account. If you have not already registered at your address with MiPermit you can do so, as you buy your permit.
Reminder Notices will be sent by email or text message 30 days prior to expiry date to digital permit account holders. Letters will be sent to those without digital accounts. All permit holders will be required to provide proofs at renewal of this permit type to confirm on-going eligibility for this permit type.