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Maintaining roads

Road markings and signs

When defective road markings are reported, and are regarded as a safety defect (1.10 Defective Road Markings or Road Studs) we will:

  • record the issue
  • sign the junction by the end of the next working day
  • issue a S.72(3) notice if it is related to statutory undertakers work, by the end of the next working day
  • arrange the replacement within seven days

When defective road traffic signs are reported, and are regarded as a safety defect (4.23 Defective Road Traffic Signs) we will:

  • record the issue
  • put up signs to warn of the hazard and place cones if the sign is damaged
  • clean or temporarily replace the sign, arrange necessary remedial work or
  • request that vegetation blocking the sign is cut back
  • arrange a permanent repair or replacement within seven days
