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Expectations for inclusive provision


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Expectations for inclusive provision in mainstream schools for all children and young people (CYP)

All school staff as part of quality first teaching will ensure that all children and young people have the opportunity to meet their potential.

This document has been written by SENDCOs for SENDCOs, its purpose is to ensure we have clarity and consistency across mainstream schools around the inclusive practice for all learners from within the schools delegated funding.

It provides a summary of existing documentation and clarity around the expectation of every school Please click on the links to see examples and recommendations from Devon SENDCOs

Physical and Sensory

Communication and Interaction

Cognition and Learning

  • A Learning environment which supports inclusive learning for the CYP and which includes an Individualised approach to learning key skills e.g. literacy, numeracy and self-help
  • Support to develop core skills to enable successful learning (e.g. attention, listening skills)
  • Careful differentiation of the broad and balanced curriculum by delivery and outcome.
  • Targeted and structured individual or small group work to develop learning skills
  • The use of specific teaching strategies.
  • Focussed support from suitably skilled staff to develop and deliver programmes
  • Staff effectively identify and support individual children’s needs to ensure that they are making progress
  • Advice from appropriate external agencies on teaching approaches and recommendations are followed. E.g. Educational Psychologists
  • External agencies are involved and/or identified in multi-agency support planning.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

The Code of Practice 6.1

The Code of Practice 6.1 states:

All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential.

This document precedes contextual school information and is the first expectation of a local offer from all schools. Any school must have the mechanisms in place to deliver any aspect of this within its own school context. The Universal, Targeted and Specialist provision on offer from a school (its Graduated Response), will be an expansion of this expectation document. (Ref Teacher Standards (2012): 1,2,5 and parts of Standard 8)
