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Home learning resources

Home learning support with maths for schools, parents and pupils

We offer support to all adults working with children at home, with the aim that we engage children in positive mathematical experiences where they are encouraged to think, notice and wonder. This is an opportunity for learners to experience the beauty and creativity of mathematics.

We have provided packages of ideas for years 1 or 2, years 3 or 4 and years 5/6 all starting from the same simple resource/experience that can either be found at home, created at home (with paper and pen) or accessed online; those working with children in schools may have access to alternative equipment for the same activities.

Where children are able to work with other children, we would encourage working on maths in a collaborative way, exploiting all opportunities for sharing ideas and building on each other’s thinking. You will find there will be more than one way to engage with the activities and this is to be encouraged and embraced.

Some of these activities have been translated into different languages so that bilingual parents can support their children at home to continue developing their maths skills.

Bilingual resources

1. “Nim”

This focuses on variations of a simple game, for all year groups, using objects from around the home (such as leaves, pasta pieces or Lego bricks) as counters in the games.

The games involve making decisions about choosing numbers to either subtract to reach zero or add to reach a target number; problem-solving and reasoning are key to identifying and explaining winning strategies in the games.

2. “Nice and Nasty”

This focuses on the same simple game, for all year groups. The game involves applying understanding of Place Value; decision-making and explanation, both elements of reasoning, are central to the activities.

3. “Pattern”

All the activities are focussed on exploring patterns. In Y1/2 the activities involve thinking about and creating repeating patterns, using things from around the house, whilst in Y3/4 and Y5/6 the activities all involve growing shapes resulting in number patterns (sequences).

The activities for all year groups involve articulating and explaining patterns underpinned by reasoning.

4. “Balancing Numbers”

All the activities are focussed on exploring groups of numbers that have equivalent totals. In Y1/2 the activities involve thinking about balance scales whilst in Y3/4 and Y5/6 the activities all involve Magic Vs.

These are variations on the activity found on the Nrich website. The focus for all year groups is on Additive Reasoning, all underpinned by problem-solving and reasoning.

5. “Numbers”

All the activities use pieces of paper numbered 1 to 9. These are shuffled and three or four cards dealt. By combining the cards dealt, the aim is to make numbers to meet given criteria (for example, even, odd, bigger than 10 or multiples of 3).

The focus for all year groups is on Calculation linked to Properties of Numbers, all underpinned by reasoning.

6. “Measures”

All the activities use string, wool, cotton or something similar to measure body parts. In Y1/2 the focus is on Comparison, Counting and Estimating. In Y3/4 and Y5/6 the focus is on Multiplicative Reasoning, looking at the multiplicative relationship between the lengths of body parts. This includes fractions in Y5/6. The activities are all underpinned by reasoning.

7. “Number Pyramids” (revisited)

We explore odd and even numbers combined with additive reasoning in all year groups, with Y5/6 also featuring multiplicative reasoning.

8. “Calculators”

We explore number patterns generated on a calculator. The focus for all year groups is Number; understanding sequences leading to understanding properties of numbers, all underpinned by reasoning and representation.

In all year groups there are arithmetic sequences (produced by adding or subtracting the same number) generating odd and even numbers, multiples and non-multiples and (in Y5/6) negative numbers.

Geometric sequences (produced by multiplying by the same number) are introduced in Y5/6.

9. “Playing Cards”

We explore the earlier resource; either a homemade (from paper) set of ten cards or ten cards from a playing card deck.

The focus for all year groups is calculation underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving: Y1/2 and Y3/4 focus on Additive Reasoning whilst Y5/6 focus on both Additive and Multiplicative Reasoning

10. “Money”

For these activities coins are used. The focus is on Additive Reasoning in Y1/2, Y3/4 and Y5/6; addition and subtraction underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving with a particular focus on working systematically to find all possibilities.

These activities have been translated into different languages.

Bilingual resources

11. “Dice”

For these activities dice or spinners are used to generate numbers. The focus is on Additive Reasoning in Y1/2, Y3/4 and  Y5/6; addition and subtraction underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving. There is also a focus on Multiplicative Reasoning in Y3/4 and Y5/6; multiplication and division underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving.

These activities have been translated into different languages.

Bilingual resources

12. “Number Pyramids”

For these activities number pyramids are created by the pupils. The focus for all year groups is on Additive Reasoning; addition and subtraction underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving with a heavy focus on addition.

13. “Calculator”

For these activities, you use a calculator to explore counting in different steps. The focus for all year groups is on Number; understanding number patterns underpinned by reasoning and representation.

14. “Shape”

For these activities, you use sheets of paper to create different shapes which are then explored in a variety of ways. The focus for all year groups is on Geometric Reasoning; understanding 2D shape underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving.

15. “Playing Card”

For the activities, you can either create a small set of cards from a piece of paper or use cards from a playing card deck. The focus for all year groups is on Additive Reasoning; addition and subtraction underpinned by reasoning and problem-solving.
