It is imperative that the Local Authority is notified of any confirmed positive Covid cases (staff or children) in your setting.
Month: June 2021
Help with childcare costs
Find out more about tax-free childcare and the Universal Credit childcare element.
Making Every Contact Count – Reminder
This is a reminder that Children’s social care are asking that whenever an early years and childcare provider has regular contact with a child who is known to have an allocated social worker, professionals share the information with the children’s social care team using the ‘making every contact count’ form.
Early Years Pupil Premium for children in care
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is available for children in care if they: are looked after by a Local Authority in England or Wales and are placed in foster care or have left care in England or Wales through a Special Guardianship Order, Child Arrangements Order or an Adoption Order.
Government updates
Updates include: ‘Contingency Framework and wraparound childcare’; ‘Become a childminder agency’; ‘Childminder agencies: inspection guidance’ and ‘Childminder agencies: registration and suitability’.
Free maths and English GCSE courses starting in September
Learn Devon are offering free maths and English GCSE courses starting in September.
Schools and childminders needed for the Early Years Funding Review Group
Last week we sent out a request for people to come forward if they are interested in being a part of an Early Years Funding Review Group. We are still seeking more people to come forward particularly if you are a childminder or are from a school.
The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood
The Duchess of Cambridge has launched The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood to raise awareness of the impact of the early years in children’s lives.
Be a part of the Early Years Funding Review Group!
Many of you will recall the previous review that we held a few years ago to consider the early years funding. It has been decided that, in the light of the pandemic and concerns around school readiness, increasing numbers of children with SEND and changes to the Index of Multiple Deprivation, now is a good time to review how the funding Devon County Council (DCC) receives is distributed to providers.
Disability Access Funding (DAF)
Disability Access Funding (DAF) is funding for early years providers to support children with disabilities or special educational needs. It aids access to early years places by supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings.