Young people
Bridges is a collaborative service that aims to safely prevent and reduce the number of children and young people entering care in Devon
Children in care
How we are safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in our care
Care leavers
Our commitment to care leavers, including the support and services available through our Local Offer
Children’s homes
Day care, overnight stays and short breaks for children and young people with complex healthcare needs, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and additional needs.
Child employment and entertainment
Advice for parents and employers on what they need to do before and once a child is employed to work
Corporate parenting strategy
Our Corporate Parenting strategy sets out how we will meet the needs of children and young people who are in, or have been in, our care.
Youth voice and participation
How you can get involved and have your say on the issues that matter most to you!
Mind Of My Own
An app to help children and young people in care express their views and communicate with their social worker
The Links service works to reduce risk and harm to children and young people outside of the home.
Stand Up Speak Up
Information about the Children in Care Council and having your say if you are in care or a care leaver
Space Youth Services
Find out about the youth centres and services available to young people in Devon
VOYC Devon
VOYC Devon works to champion and strengthen children and young people organisations in Devon
Youth Justice Service
Devon’s Youth Justice Service works with young people that get into trouble with the law
Lifelong Links
Lifelong Links helps children and young people who don’t live with their family reconnect