Early Years Pupil Premium is available for Children in Care if they: are looked after by a Local Authority in England or Wales and are placed in foster care or have left care in England or Wales through: a Special Guardianship Order, a Child Arrangements Order or an Adoption Order.
Month: March 2021
Government updates
Updates include: ‘Reported coronavirus (COVID-19) notifications by registered early years and childcare settings’; ‘Survey of childcare and early years providers and coronavirus (COVID-19): wave 3’; ‘Use of free early education entitlements funding during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak’; ‘Households and bubbles of pupils, students and staff of schools, nurseries and colleges: get rapid lateral flow tests’; and ‘Check early years qualifications’.
Update on testing and shielding
Guidance from the Department for Education includes information on testing for early years providers, including childminders, and the end of shielding for clinically vulnerable people.
Changes to the Test and Trace support payment for parents
An update from the Department for Education regarding Test and Trace support payments.
Incentive payments for hiring a new apprentice
The Government have increased incentive payments for hiring a new apprentice. Employers will receive £3,000 for new employees of any age who start their apprenticeship from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021.
Early years qualifications – clarification on ‘knowledge only’ pathway
To enable progression for learners who are unable to access a work placement due to the current restrictions, NCFE CACHE worked together with Ofqual, Department for Education (DfE), Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and UCAS to agree how learners can progress through a ‘knowledge only’ version of EYE or EYP qualifications.
Cyber security awareness in early years
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have published guidance for early years settings on how to protect settings from accidental damage and online criminals.
Important information for providers taken from a letter to the Early Years and Childcare Service from the Dept for Education
Information includes: Easing of National Lockdown restrictions, Support on offer to the Early Years Sector following the Budget, Early Years: spring term funding, Reminder: EEA pre-settled status and 30 hours free childcare summer term application deadline.
Government updates
Information on: Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings for children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak; Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak; Households and bubbles of pupils, students and staff of schools, nurseries and colleges: get rapid lateral flow tests; Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and Information for parents and carers: coronavirus (COVID-19).
Guidance and delivery schedule for Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) nurseries for Tests
The Department for Education is delighted to welcome all Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) nurseries to the COVID-19 Education Testing Programme.