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These pages include general information relating to schools, such as admissions, term dates, school transport and meals. You can also find contact details for schools in Devon.

School admissions

Apply here for a place in a mainstream state primary or secondary school

School and college transport

Free school transport, school transport guides

Find a school or college

Use our search tool to find a specific school or college

School term dates

School term dates for the current and future academic years

School meals

Information about school meals, including how to apply for free school meals

School and route closures

Keep up to date with the latest school closures information

Attendance and inclusion

Information and advice about school attendance and inclusion, and the services and support available in Devon.

Elective home education

Information for those considering educating their child(ren) at home and support for existing home educators

Post-16 education

Information for young people and their parents about the options available post-16

Support for schools and settings

Supporting schools and settings in day-to-day activities as well helping to improve outcomes for young people

Education statistics

School sizes, pupil numbers and school characteristics


Supporting key transitions where children are moving to the next phase of or leaving education

Devon Education (Schools) Forum

An independent committee that makes representations to the County Council

Virtual School Devon

Supporting children in care living in Devon or who are looked after by Devon but live elsewhere
