The Summer Headcount Task is now available. The deadline for submissions is 23.59 on Monday 31st May 2021. If you have already submitted your task and have further changes to make these can be done at any point up until the deadline but please remember to resubmit so that the data comes through to us for processing.
Month: May 2021
EYFS Reforms – training for childminders
The Revised Early Years Foundation Stage will become statutory in September 2021. To support the implementation of this, the Early Years and Childcare team are offering a series of virtual training events. Sessions still available to book.
Check early years qualifications
Find out if a person’s qualifications allow them to work in an early years setting, and if you can include them in staff:child ratios.
Safeguarding group 3 training dates now available
The Devon Children and Families Partnership have confirmed new dates for the Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection (Group 3 Core) training. The dates are available to book via the DEL training website.
Late-availability Covid vaccines for staff working in an education setting
If you work in an education setting you can sign up to the reserve list to be offered a short notice COVID vaccination.
Golden Ticket Information for providers – start date printing error
Please be aware that the latest run of Golden Tickets sent to parents on 10th May 2021 do not contain information on the start date for the child.
Joint working at its best
On 13th May 2021 representatives from the Improving Access to Communication Services and Support Programme (IACSS) presented at a Local Government Association (LGA) Webinar to share an overview of how commissioners, service providers and parent/carers are working together to develop an integrated local strategy for Speech, Language and Communication and ensuring that they are planning for continuous improvement.
Government updates
Updates include: ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) local restrictions in education and childcare settings’; ‘Help for early years providers’; ‘Making a childcare bubble with another household’; ‘COVID-19: guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing’; ‘COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities’ and ‘Every school with Reception class offered early language training’.
Summer Healthy Activities and Food (HAF) programme across Devon
In November last year, the government announced that the holiday activities and food programme would be expanded across the whole of England in 2021. The programme has provided healthy food and enriching activities to disadvantaged children since 2018.
Early years vaccine engagement sessions – FAQs
Following on from the recent round of catch up sessions, please see questions which were asked at the sessions but the team were unable to answer at that time.