Updates include: ‘Childcare on domestic premises’ and ‘Early years qualifications achieved in the United Kingdom’.
Month: September 2023
School’s Audit 2023: out of school childcare
The Early Years and Childcare team need to ensure that there is enough childcare for parents with children up to the age of 16 (18 with additional needs) so that they can work or train. Please help us by completing a short survey. Survey closes on 2nd October. To be completed by schools only.
Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) – update for childcare providers
Feedback and photos from the recent HAF programme and details of how to become a HAF provider for 2024.
DFE survey on assessment in the EYFS
The Department for Education has launched a short survey to seek the views of early years practitioners, teachers and school and setting leaders on assessment in the EYFS. Survey closes on 3rd October.
Government updates
Updates include: ‘Early years and childcare: guidance for providers’; ‘Childcare protocols between Ofsted and other organisations’; ‘After-school clubs, community activities and tuition: safeguarding guidance for providers’; ‘Using after-school clubs, tuition and community activities’ and ‘Early years leadership national professional qualification’.
Congratulations to our ‘Outstanding’ providers!
We would like to congratulate West Exe Nursery School on achieving ‘Outstanding’ in their recent Ofsted inspection. We would also like to congratulate Monkerton Community Primary School on achieving ‘Outstanding’ for their early years provision. Well done!
DfE consultation – two year old funding change
An update on early years funding rates.
Early Years ONE Devon approach and the Early Years Entitlement Funding
An update to the Early Years ONE Devon Approach around Early Years Entitlement funding.
Early Years and Childcare Service Survey
Please tell us what you think about our website, social media and the Friday digest newsletter by completing this short survey.
Government updates
Government updates.