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Safe travel

Speeding, Speed Limits and SCARF

Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF)

To reduce duplication, a joint process between Devon County Council and Devon and Cornwall Constabulary has been developed to allow speed concerns to be assessed in a consistent manner.

All concerns are assessed, but not all will undergo the full SCARF assessment. This will be due to a number of factors including previous assessments. Using a limited number of speed detection devices, data may be obtained to help understand the concern further. Decisions of next steps will be decided from eh data and topography of the road.

The team may consider that no further action is required. If action is agreed, the outcomes can range from education to enforcement or even engineering changes to the road layout.

Next steps
  • Speed concerns are often shared by the whole community. Please contact your local Parish/Town Council or local community group in the first instance to understand the community need.
  • Your County Councillor or the Parish/Town Council can raise the issue with either the Police Road Casualty Reduction Officer and/or the Highways Officer.
  • Report a concern over vehicle speed and it will be assessed for the SCARF process

See also SCARF Fact Sheet

See also Devon and Cornwall Police / Road Safety

Other options to manage speed are listed below:

Community Speed Watch

Community Speed Watch is a community led activity supported by Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. It involves members of the local community and aims to educate drivers rather than prosecute.

Vehicle Activated Sign

This is a permanent or temporary sign that flashes a sign or message if a vehicle is travelling at speed. This is for education rather than enforcement.

Speed Indicator Device (SID)

A SID is a type of VAS that displays the speed a driver is travelling at. This often immediately prompts the driver to reduce their speed.


Engineering solutions can be used to reduce the speeding issue. This includes gateway features to villages and towns, road humps, rumble strips or lining and signing. However, these are dependent on funding being available.
