The Devon Historic Environment Record (HER) contains over 77,000 records and new monument records are added regularly. The records are based on a wide range of sources such as aerial photographs, contractor reports and volunteer fieldwork reports.
These sources often contain more detail and we therefore recommend that you view them when conducting your research. Many of the sources are available digitally on the ADS Please contact the HER if you are unable to locate a source as we may be able to provide you with a copy.
There are also aerial photographs, contractor reports, volunteer fieldwork reports etc. that are still awaiting accessioning into the HER database. We would therefore recommend that you contact us to find out what additional material may be available.
A proportion of the HER records were migrated from an earlier version of the HER. You will notice that the Sources section of some of these records list one or more ‘Migrated Record’. We are in the process of re-formatting these. However, the description still contains all the information we hold digitally about each site. A later migration has resulted in some duplication of records in Torbay, which we are working to resolve. In the meantime, the duplicate records are linked to the originals by monument relationships.
If there is anything in the entries you are unclear about please contact the Devon County Council Historic Environment Team.
You may also find it useful to consult the Historic Landscape Characterisation maps which are available on the Environment Viewer – details can be found here.