Do you know any primary school teachers looking for ideas about how to teach prehistory?
We’ve just added four downloadable KS2 lesson plans and associated resources – and a KS1 lesson plan and resources pack – to our Schools Resources pages. These are based on the imposing site of Hembury Hillfort in the Blackdown Hills. This huge Iron Age fortification has a particularly interesting history, with evidence for earlier (Stone Age) use, as well as later re-use by the Roman army.
The lesson plans explore its significance in prehistory through a process of archaeological enquiry, linking to the National Curriculum in England History Programme of Study, and focus mainly on ‘changes in Britain from the Stone to the Iron Age’.
The resources include photos of real artefacts found at Hembury, and encourage children to explore NC Learning objectives:
- Develop a chronologically secure understanding of British prehistory;
- Address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about similarity and difference;
- Understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. Understand how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been made.
Read more about Hembury and access the lesson plans here.
Information that teachers might find useful about other archaeological sites in Devon can be found in our Schools Resources pages.
These resources have been produced in conjunction with the Blackdown Hills AONB. Your feedback is very welcome – please do let us know what you think!