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2020 informal consultations

In 2020 Devon County Council undertook consultations across various areas of Exeter to understand residents’ views on the introduction of residents’ parking restrictions in these areas.

This consultation was in response to requests from residents of these areas and reports that they are experiencing difficulties with the current on-street parking that is taking place. They were discussed at the Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee in April 2019.

The intention of a residents’ parking scheme is to ensure that residents have priority over parking within their area, while also ensuring that local needs are considered, for instance, that local businesses and other employment hubs are not unfairly disadvantaged.

The consultation started on 3 February 2020 and closed on 24 February 2020 and plans of the areas consulted are linked below:

Please note the boundaries defined in this informal consultation may not be the final parking boundaries that are implemented.

Responses from the consultation were summarised and reported to the Exeter Highway and Traffic Orders Committee on 18 January 2021. It was resolved that detailed plans be drawn up and formally advertised for consultation on residents parking in the Barton Road, Edwin Road, Queens Road and Wardrew Road areas.

The priority for the remaining schemes was agreed by the Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee on 29 April 2022. The schemes below will be delivered in future years in the order listed, after the St Thomas schemes above. Subject to the resources and funding being available.

  1. Woodwater Lane Area – Extension to Zone S7
  2. Sweetbrier Lane Area
  3. Cotfield Street Area
  4. New Valley Road Area
  5. Southbrook Road Area
  6. Heraldry Way Area

Some more information about residents’ parking schemes can be found in the consultation handout document.

Next steps

Residents in the Barton Road, Edwin Road, Queens Road and Wardrew Road areas will receive notification once the traffic regulation orders are advertised. It is anticipated that they will be advertised in 2023.
