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Catering vans, caravans and trailers

Catering vans

We do not license or give approval for catering vans to trade from the highway. However, as long as these vans are not contravening a traffic order, causing an obstruction, or creating a danger or nuisance to the public then we will not carry out any enforcement against them.

If there is an issue, where possible, we will speak to the relevant business or owner of the van in regard to any concerns, however, if this is not possible we do have the powers to issue legal notices.

We would also advise that you contact the environmental health department at your relevant district council to discuss matters such as food safety, litter and street cleaning.

Caravans and trailers

A vehicle towing a caravan or trailer can park on the highway as long as they are not contravening a traffic order, causing an obstruction or creating a danger or nuisance to the public. We do not permit the storage of caravans or trailers on the highway and may issue a notice and subsequently remove the caravan or trailer. The police may also act if any vehicle is presenting a hazard or obstruction.

We can only enforce parking restrictions (issue a Penalty Charge Notice) against registered vehicles when parked in contravention. This would include any caravan or trailer they were towing. Under civil parking enforcement powers, no action can be taken against an unattached caravan or trailer.

Where possible we will speak to the relevant owners in regard to any concerns in the first instance.

If you believe that a caravan has been abandoned please refer this matter to the local district council.
