Thank you for viewing data from the Devon & Dartmoor Historic Environment Record. The following points will help you to make the best use of these records:
- Please note that this information has been compiled from a number of different sources. These may be archaeological and historical publications as well as a number of unpublished sources. Information has been collected from both primary and secondary sources: original documents, historic maps, learned society journals, antiquarian observations and excavations, aerial photographs and modern archaeological fieldwork.
- The information may be freely used for private research but please acknowledge the source whenever HER data is quoted or referred to. We recommend the form: “Devon & Dartmoor Historic Environment Record”.
- This data is provided for information for only. For legal or planning related work further reference should be sought from the relevant (i.e. Devon County Council or Dartmoor National Park Authority) Historic Environment Service. The data should be used for making informed decisions on planning and other related matters in consultation with the relevant Historic Environment Service. The data should not be used for purposes which may lead to damage to archaeological sites, historic buildings and landscapes.
- Whilst the information contained in the HER is as complete a record as possible, please do not assume that it is a definitive statement on the archaeological or historical content of a site or area. It is likely that there are additional, as yet unrecorded or unidentified, features within any site or area, which may be revealed by further investigation or research, and which are, by definition, not recorded in the HER at the time of the enquiry.
Many archaeological sites – particularly those in public-access areas of Dartmoor National Park – are accessible to the public. However, most sites in Devon are on private land. The inclusion of a site in the Historic Environment Record does not imply any right of public access. - Some sites within Dartmoor National Park are within on military firing ranges. Public access is available only at certain times. Information on access should be sought from
- Title, copyright and all other proprietary rights in the data and the documentation remain vested in Devon County Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority