Funding Friday
There are currently two priorities for this fund, and PRIORTY 1 is Early Years.
Intended outcome: Babies and pre-school aged children (up to 5yrs) who are experiencing challenging circumstances enjoy healthier and more positive relationships, and enhanced opportunities for physical, emotional and skills development so that they are better able to learn and grow.
Grants will enable disadvantaged children to build positive relationships that will contribute towards positive life outcomes.
Examples of activities grants could support include:
- Providing speech and language therapy for a targeted group of children with identified communication delay
- A family learning programme to foster improved school readiness
- A series of creative and fun workshops for babies and their carers to facilitate closer bonding and improved parental confidence
FUNDING AVAILABLE: Thrive with Five grants of between £2,000 and £5,000 are available.
Due to high interest and a large number of applications, the Early Years priority will close at 12 noon on Wednesday February 9th; full applications with all required documentation will need to be received prior to this point.