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Guide: Business Plan 2015-2021

Our Business Plan Framework 2015-2021

To develop a meaningful and current business plan that will last six years, we have created a  Business Plan framework that breaks it down into key elements.

The aim of this framework is to provide:

  • business stability and continuity to support the delivery of longer term projects
  • business agility so that adaptations can be made to take account of challenges and opportunities arising during the life of the plan.


The business plan framework includes:

1) The Business Plan 2015-2021

  • explains the purpose of our service
  • introduces our business model that will guide how we do things
  • explains how we will use our business model meet the challenges ahead
  • provides a platform that links to specific plans, projects and priorities
  • will be updated when things change

2) Who We Are

  • sets out job roles and responsibilities
  • explains how we work together to deliver the highway service

3) Financial Framework

  • explains our sources of funding, how we plan our spending and allocate budgets and our processes for monitoring the effectiveness of our financial management.

4) Annual Report 2016-17

  • recognises our achievements in the previous year and the people who have made success happen
  • outlines challenges faced and how they were overcome
  • examines lessons learned which will shape future service delivery.

5) Annual Action Plan 2017-18

  • details the specific plans for service delivery in the year ahead
  • lists milestones for longer term projects
  • lists measurable objectives

6) Team Development Plan

  • sets out training and development pathways and succession planning
  • provides a strong performance management framework so our people are supported to deliver their best for Devon
  • focusses on identifying our strengths, sharing skills and knowledge across the service to develop our capability across the whole highway team.
