The highway network is the most valuable physical asset that the County Council manages and maintains. It is central to enabling safe and resilient links for people to connect with their communities and to lead to healthy, prosperous lives.
This Plan, together with the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Policy and Strategy, identifies highway assets and develops a framework to enhance existing good practice and improve the effectiveness of decision making.
Like all authorities, Devon is facing significant financial pressures and it is critical that there is a clear understanding of the links between levels of service delivery and funding.
The documents clearly link to the Council’s new Corporate Strategy, ‘Best Place’, and have been updated to take account of national codes of practice and the latest Highways asset management guidance. The Council has a leadership role in reducing carbon usage in Devon. Therefore, our highway related decision-making processes are developing to encourage communities to use less fossil fuels. We can contribute by making active travel a realistic alternative for both business and pleasure journeys on our network. In addition, reducing carbon emissions in highway materials and maintenance repairs will become as important in our decision making as both quality and cost.

Annex 1 – Carriageways (Road Surface) Annex 2 – Footways Annex 3 – Cycleways Annex 4 – Drainage Annex 5 – Fences and Barriers Annex 6 – Trees and Soft Landscape Annex 7 – Road Markings and Studs Annex 8 – Signs and other Traffic Assets Annex 9 – Park and Ride Sites Annex 10 – Public Rights of Way Annex 11 – Structures Annex 12 – Traffic Signals and Street Lighting