
Information type Keep for Keep from Legislation or business reason
Accounts payable Current year plus 12 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Taxes Management Act 2003

European Court of auditors

Pensions 7 years From liability for pension payments ceasing

Business decision

VAT returns Current year plus 6 years Creation

Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 No.533

Travel claims – e.g.rail warrants, bus tickets Current year plus 6 years Creation

Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 No.533

Term maintenance instruction orders Current year plus 3 years Creation

Best practice

Purchase orders Current year plus 12 Creation

Taxes Management Act 2003

Local Government Act 2003

European Court of Auditors

Petty cash books and copy claim forms Current year plus 3 years Creation

Taxes Management Act 1970

Order books and delivery notes Current year + 3 years Creation

Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 No.533

On-street parking fines Current year plus 6 years Creation

Local decision

Invoices Current year plus 3 Creation

Taxes Management Act 1970

Income Current year plus 3 Creation

Local Goverment Act 2003

Import and export documents Current year plus 3 Creation

Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003

European – and other externally funded work and grant claims Variable - dependent on grant terms and conditions but generally set at current year plus 12 (destroy only on authority of relevant managing authority Date of final payment

European Court of Auditors

Essential user lump sums Current year plus 6 Creation

Local decision based on remuneration rules

Credit and debit notes issued or received Current year plus 6 Creation

Limitation Act 1980

Contractors certificates and final accounts Current year plus 12 Creation

Limitation Act 1980

European Court of Auditors

School accounting – ONE system Current year plus 6 Creation

Local Government Act 2003


Cheques and counterfoils Current year plus 6 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Cash books Current year plus 12 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Taxes Management Act 2003

European Court of Auditors

Car loans Current year plus 6 End of loan/repayment

Local decision

Budget – monitoring Current year plus 1 Creation

Local business need

Budget – preparation Current year plus 1 Creation

Local business need

Bank statements and paying in books – schools and other establishments Current year plus 6 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Annual accounts Permanent Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Accounts receivable – till rolls and remittance advices Current year plus 6 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Accounts receivable – credit notes Current year plus 6 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Accounts receivable – invoices Current year plus 12 Creation

Local Government Act 2003

Taxes Management Act 2003

European Court of Auditors

Finance – accounts payable claims Current year +3 (*special dispensation allows reduction from 6 years) Creation

Local Government Act 2003 and Taxes Management Act 2003