council property

Information type Keep for Keep from Legislation or business reason
CCTV recordings from DCC buildings (No incidents) 30 calendar days Date of creation

Business decision.

PFI contract management 6 years Cessation of contract

Statute of limitations

Emergency rest centres 2 years From end of employment or volunteer

Business decision.

Accommodation management 2 years End of employment

Business decision.

Property deeds Permanent Creation

Local decision

Property contractor payments Current year plus 6 Creation

Limitation Act 1980

Premises risk assessments Permanent Creation

Local Government Act 1972

Minor works projects 1 year Completion

Limitation Act 1980

Construction projects – major Permanent Creation

Business need

Maintenance order logs 12 years Termination

Limitation Act 1980

Land charges Permanent Creation

Local Land Charges Act 1975

Farms tenancy management 6 years End of contract

Limitation Act 1980

Smartcard transactions – County Hall 2 years Creation

Local decision

Facilities management 6 years Termination

Limitation Act 1980

Estates management Permanent Termination

Limitation Act 1980

Equipment management Permanent Creation

Business need

Energy use – carbon footprints Permanent Creation

Business need

Development plans Permanent Creation

Business need

Construction design Permanent Creation

Business need

Gardening contracts 6 years Termination of contract

Limitation Act 1980

Cleaning contracts 6 years Termination of contract

Limitation Act 1980

Business continuity plans Permanent Creation

Business need

Asset management plans Current Creation

Business need

Architectural plans – as built drawings Life of building Creation

Business need