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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

Guidance regarding adjustment of community equipment

a yellow speech bubble with the letter i in itGuidance – Adjustment of Community Equipment 19 Feb 2018

This guidance is issued in response to a serious incident relating to community equipment that was recently brought to the attention of the Community Equipment Service Commissioners. It is important to share the learning from this incident.

Find below new guidance that will be issued to all prescribers of DILIS and is being brought to the attention of independent providers for information :-

Do not adjust or remove fitted or installed equipment provided by Devon Independent Living Integrated Service (DILIS) from Millbrook Healthcare Ltd or issued via accredited retailers, unless you are qualified and trained to do this.

 The only exception is for equipment which has to be removed for cleaning; for example some bathing, showering and toileting equipment:

  • Remove the equipment.
  • Clean it as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  •  Refit it exactly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Beds, hoists, mattresses, and many other items of  complex equipment must never be taken apart, adjusted or modified in any way, except by the qualified, trained Millbrook Healthcare driver/technician or accredited retailer. There is a potential risk and associated liability in doing so.


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