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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

Strategic Commissioning and Market Development Team

The Strategic Commissioning and Market Development Team, has been developed so that we can support the Devon provider marketplace and ensure it is sufficient and vibrant and meets the needs of our communities in Devon. The team includes contracts officers, business relations officers and commissioning development officers, with a small “hub” based centrally at County Hall, and some out in communities across Devon.

Our business relations function focuses on market sufficiency, market strategy – expressed through the Market Position Statement (MPS), and the Provider Engagement Network (PEN). The contract management element of this team predominantly focus on building business relationships with providers and supporting social care services and our care management teams with contract compliance.

The Market Management Team enables us to work alongside our social care provider partners so that we can deal with any arising issues quickly and effectively to ensure continuity of service for those that need it. It also enables us to continue shaping our market to ensure we have the right type and number of services to better serve our communities.

The Market Management Team is closely aligned to NHS colleagues who have the same roles and responsibilities, and also alongside Devon County Council’s QAIT, Procurement, Commissioning and Care Operations teams, to ensure a smooth delivery of service.

We run PEN meetings monthly and hold our PEN conference once a year. For more information about these, please see our calendar or go to our PEN Participation page.

It is really important to us that we hear from you about how we can most effectively work with you. Please let us know: if you have any issues that need to be addressed or ideas for innovation or market development that you would like to share with us.

Senior managers

Ian Hobbs

Senior Commissioning Manager (Market Management, Workforce and Carers)

I am part of the Commissioning and Health Leadership Team.
My role includes a lead responsibility for working across our health and social care system locally, regionally and nationally to help to build the workforce we need now and in the future. This means ensuring that our social care workforce is valued and rewarded, that the profile of social care is improved with the public and that we innovate together, both within our system and for wider economic growth in our county.
The Workforce Team, including those leading our Proud To Care work, are part of my team.
I am happy to be contacted via  if you wish to be engaged in this work.

Nicola Tribble

Senior Manager Commissioning - Markets


Kate Mulford

Sector Lead - Personal Care (Temp)


Personal care

Claire Anderson

Business Relations Officer

My role involves working collaboratively with providers (with a current focus on domiciliary/personal care at home) to meet the changing needs of our local communities and vulnerable people in Devon. Supporting providers to manage the challenges they face as well as exploring and encouraging innovative and creative opportunities to delivering high quality, local sustainable provision.

I have 30 years’ experience of working within the Housing, and Adult Health and Social Care.

I am committed to partnership working to achieve positive person-centred outcomes for people requiring support services.
If you have any ideas, questions or comments about shaping of our domiciliary/personal care market please email me or call me on 01392 383000.

Central Market Development Team

Lucie Spiers

Commissioning Development Officer

My portfolio includes self-directed support and outcomes-based commissioning. At the moment I am working on a pilot of Individual service funds in Devon, place-based working (Totnes), self-directed support policy and strategy I am keen to help the personal assistant and micro-provider market expand and develop new offer

Lauren Slack

Commissioning Support Assistant

My role consists of creating the weekly PEN newsletter and updating the PEN website, as well as monitoring the social care mailbox and prepping meetings.

Nicole Hartery

Personal Assistant - Temp



Housing with support, enabling, day care

Sara Morgan-Broom

Contracts and Business Relations Manager

My role is to manage the adult social care contracts we have in place that cover disability services and residential care.

Devon County Council wants to be sure that adult community services are delivered to the highest quality, meeting the needs of the people who require care and support in line with contractual arrangements. I work closely with Clinical Commissioning Group and Devon Partnership Trust colleagues joining up our approach to contract management.

I have worked across private, public and third sector organisations managing many large contracts and projects with a focus on providing high quality innovative services to people and communities.

Care homes

Heather Mills

Contracts and Business Relations Manager


Clare Diffey

Commissioning Development Officer

My role involves working collaboratively with care home providers to meet the changing needs of our local communities and vulnerable people in Devon. I’m particularly focussed on developing our commissioning strategy to ensure it meets the needs profile of our changing communities in the near to medium term future. 

I’ve been in the Market Management team for 5 years, previously working on Direct Payments, and supported Living. I’ve been working in health & social care services in the third sector for 15+ years including homelessness, drug & alcohol support charities and community councils.

My work experience supports my passion of working with individuals and organisations who together support people to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives.

If you have any ideas, questions or comments about strategic development and shaping of our care homes market please email me

Sarah Dent

Commissioning Development Officer - Split role




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