The Growth Support Programme is an EU funded business support programme. This offers an initial 3 hour diagnostic to businesses wishing to grow or expand in order to increase sales, efficiency, revenue and profit.
By registering, businesses in the Heart of the South West region will be entitled to a business adviser who will meet you face-to-face and spend time running through all aspects of your business to develop a growth support plan. From there, you may also be eligible for a further 9 hours of support.
The support package includes:
- business planning
- HR
- finance
- marketing
- digital
- innovation
If you are ready to grow your business, register your interest now.
Who is eligible?
ERDF Eligible businesses based in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. This programme does not cover North Somerset or BANES.
The businesses must also not turnover more than €50million and should have less than 250 employees. Businesses will also need to be less than 25% owned by another company and should not have received more than €200,000 of public-funded support in the last 3 years
Businesses must not be in the following sectors:
- Fisheries and aquaculture.
- Processing and marketing of agricultural products.
- Shipbuilding.
- Schools and education establishments.
- Insurance companies.
- Primary production.
- Coal or steel.
- Synthetic fibres.
- Banking.
Businesses that meet the eligibility criteria can benefit from the Growth Support Programme. You can view the customer journey here.
What’s on offer?
The 3 hour diagnostic involves a face-to-face meeting with one of our experienced delivery partner business advisors that is local to you. During this session, a support plan will be formulated for your business and any areas where additional support could be of benefit are identified.
As part of this initial meeting, businesses may also be signposted to external agencies, such as local and specialist business support organisations, training providers and trading standards.
If a need for further support is identified as part of the initial meeting, businesses will be offered the opportunity to commit to a further 9 hour support package of three business support modules, which are each 3 hours long. These include a core Digital module, which aims to increase growth and business efficiency through digital means.
The business can then choose two modules from three further support options available which include Business Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Innovation, and Marketing.
Referral or signposting to other agencies identified during the 9 hour support package will also be provided at the end of the package.
How is it funded?
This project is funded by ERDF and match funders, making it free for businesses to access.
The Heart of the South West Growth Support Programme is receiving up to £1,294,302 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF.
Established by the European Union, ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.
Read more about the European Structural and Investment Funds programme for 2014 to 2020 in England. The accountable body for this programme is Devon County Council, working with the following delivery partners: BIP, Cosmic, North Devon +, SBA, and YTKO.
How do I get involved?
Register for the Growth support Programme using the online form.
How will my data be processed?
You can read the programme’s Privacy Policy here: Growth Support Programme Privacy Policy