We work with partner organisations in the UK and in Europe to access funds to support people and communities in Devon. We also aim to raise awareness of EU funding opportunities so that other organisations in Devon can benefit.
Our European role includes monitoring and influencing EU policy and legislation.
For the latest EU news and funding opportunities, visit the European Updates section of Devon Funding News.
EU funding
The Heart of the South West (covering Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset) has an allocation of just over £116m from the EU for 2014-2020 for investment in projects and initiatives which support the economic growth of the area. The European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy sets out the priorities for investing the funding across the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership area.
There are also several EU funding programmes to encourage international co-operation or to support projects with a European dimension. For example, collaborative research projects involving several EU countries, grants to protect protected species or habitats which are significant at EU level or funding to encourage a joint approach to tackling health issues affecting the EU population. News of the latest EU funding opportunities can be found at Devon Funding News.
Businesses in Devon can access a range of support and advice on doing in business in Europe – including accessing EU funding – from Enterprise Europe Network South West
EU projects
We host two Defra-EU funded grants programmes aimed at improving the economy of rural communities:
- Making it local which covers the Blackdown Hills and East Devon.
- REALDevon which covers predominantly Mid Devon.
The Heart of the South West Technical Assistance Project supports implementation of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme for England across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. The Growth Support Programme offers eligible SMEs up to 12 hours of business support diagnostic to support their plans to grow or expand. SMEs can register for the free support.
EU policy
We monitor and respond to EU policy proposals, particularly where there are likely to be implications for the Devon economy. Current areas of interest include healthy ageing and State Aid regulations. There is more information on the Local Government Association website about how EU policy and legislation affects councils.