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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

NHS branding and lanyards

The use of the NHS logo on uniforms ​The NHS logo should be positioned on the right-hand side on staff uniforms when face on, with your company logo on the left-hand side under the wording ‘Service provided by’, please see NHS guidance. The sizing of your company logo should be proportional to, but not larger than, the NHS logo, and no other graphic devices or straplines should be included on uniforms. See further guidance.

NHS branding on lanyards 

If you would like to include the NHS logo on your company lanyards, please use the wording ‘Working in Partnership with the NHS’. ​

The use of the NHS logo on websites and staff ID badges 

Your organisation can also use the NHS logo on your website and on staff ID badges. NHS guidance is available on their website, providing detailed information about where the NHS logo can be positioned on your website and how the NHS brand can be used on staff ID badges. ​

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