MPS: supported living
We are currently in the process of remodelling our supported living service with a view to tendering the whole service in 2023. Although this is subject to date change due to COVID-19 and other potential priorities. All tender opportunities will go through the South West Portal.
Devon County Council’s commissioning intentions are focused on developing the model of supported living in line with our strategy for supporting people to live independently and in accordance with the latest research and best practice research findings relating to quality. The work to develop the model is underway and scheduled to complete in 2022 leading to the launch and implementation of a new framework for Housing with Support (which includes supported living) in Spring 2023.
The issuing of Spot Supported Living Contracts is currently under review, primarily being reserved for emergency complex placements. We are currently not issuing generalised spot contracts for supported living but are reviewing this to find an interim arrangement in due course. If you would still be interested in meeting to discuss plans, albeit in on a speculative basis, we would be happy to do so.
If you do not have a contract and are interested in getting into business with Devon County Council, please email us on
If you are already in business with DCC and would like to discuss an existing contract or update your details, please contact