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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

Replacement care

MPS: replacement care


Replacement care is the outcome of a one-off or recurrent short-term service that specifically addresses the need of a carer for a break from caring responsibilities, or allows other carer needs to be met, by providing a service to the cared-for person.

The break is made possible through care and support arrangements that replace that which would have otherwise been provided by the carer.

Any short-term service which is explicitly intended to provide a break to the carer is included. This might include, for example:

  • a service providing care or support in the person’s own home (including night sits), either regulated or unregulated
  • a service which includes overnight accommodation, for example, in a care home, extra care housing or a ‘Shared Lives’ adult placement or where a care and support provider utilises unregulated accommodation, for example, a hotel, or bed and breakfast establishment or holiday rental
  • a day centre
  • care or support that allows the carer rest or a break during a holiday taken with the cared-for person
  • or, any combination of these

Replacement care would usually be arranged on a planned basis but an unplanned or urgent service to meet the needs of the carer for a break may be required.

The County Council is opening a list of providers incorporating all service types who are willing to offer replacement care and particularly replacement care bookable in advance. This list will be known as the Replacement Care List (RCL).

Any service provider who delivers social care services under an existing contract with Devon Adult Social Care can apply and this includes care and support in the person’s own home, day activities and overnight bed-based services.

If you do not have a contract and are interested in getting into business with Devon County Council, please email us on

If you are already in business with Devon County Council and would like to discuss an existing contract or update your details, please contact

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