A service to support complex individuals from hospital into a care or nursing home setting who require short or longer term 1:1 support. The offer is to provide a care worker to go with the individual into the care home for 5 – 28 days.
What happens after 28 days?
We will work with the provider to recruit to the position through Proud to Care so we can reallocate the care worker back into a pool of resources to enable further complex discharges. It is hoped that the individual will settle into the service well and no ongoing 1:1 will be required. It is an expectation that the provider will also work to recruit to the post for longer term needs. The Agency Care Worker will be withdrawn after the maximum of 28 days.
How does it work?
Hospital Discharge referrals will continue along the same route and be sent to the Arranging Support Teams and Bed Bureaus, who will source suitable placements. They will also speak to the Tactical Provider Response Hospital Discharge team to source a suitable agency care worker.
What about the detail needed?
Prior to discharge, a Multi Disciplinary Team meeting will be convened between the provider and the Discharge Team. This is to ensure all details are considered with level of needs discussed.
Ongoing Care needs?
Providers are expected to monitor the progress of the individual once placed and will be kept under review for longer term needs through the assessment processes.
If you are a provider and wish to explore this further, please do make contact with us: adultsc.tacticalproviderresponsehospitaldischarge-mailbox@devon.gov.uk