Devon Procurement Services runs occasional training sessions designed specifically to help suppliers through the tender process. These are generally publicised in local press and via social media. Any queries can be e-mailed to If you have any queries during … Continue reading
Procurement FAQs
At what point are tenders required?
Under Devon County Council’s own code of business conduct the thresholds for tendering are as follows :- Above £1000 and up to £2500 two oral quotations. Above £2500 (£5000 for works) and up to £10000 three written quotations. Above £10000 … Continue reading
Where do I find out what contracts are coming up for tender?
All opportunities are advertised on the Supplying the South West procurement portal. Some opportunities will be advertised in relevant trade publications or local or national press. Any opportunities with a value over the EU thresholds will also be advertised in … Continue reading
What is the OJEU?
The OJEU is the “Official Journal of the European Union”. If the value of a contract exceeds certain thresholds the council is legally required to advertise the requirement and tender opportunity within the OJEU.
Why is the tendering process so formal?
The process is run this way to ensure that openness, transparency, fairness and compliance to all appropriate directives and regulations is maintained throughout the whole procedure. It also helps to maintain consistency in the way that all suppliers are treated … Continue reading
How do I register my organisation with the Council?
To register your organisation go to and click on ‘Supplier Registration’. This will take you through the simple steps to register with the site. Full instructions are available on that site, on the right hand side of the screen, if … Continue reading
How do I get on an approved supplier list for Devon County Council?
Opportunities to be on a Devon County Council approved supplier list are open to any organisation that may want to respond. To register your organisation go to and click on ‘Supplier Registration’.
Who should I contact regarding contract opportunities?
All contract opportunities can be found on the Supplying the South West procurement portal at If you have any queries these should be directed by e-mail to
Do I have to be based in Devon to do business with Devon County Council?
No – our contract opportunities are open to all interested suppliers and would usually be awarded on the basis of “most economically advantageous tender”.
What sort of things does the Council purchase?
The council purchases a huge range of goods and services to allow it to provide the services required by the public. The council also pays contractors to provide services to the public directly on its behalf. Examples can include general … Continue reading