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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

Residential and nursing care homes

MPS: residential and nursing care homes


Clients are residents in a Care Quality Commission registered care home. They have their own room but not their own front door and are likely to use shared resources, such as a dining room.

Care homes will offer different services depending on their specialisms and resources, for example, dementia care, learning disability or nursing care.

DCC has contracts in place with the majority of care homes across Devon which allows for placements to be made through a pre-placement agreement.

Care home fees for older people are now calculated based on standard hotel costs and then any additional care costs required on top of this.

If you are a residential and/or nursing home and you do not have a care home contract with DCC, please contact us at

If you are already in business with DCC and would like to discuss an existing contract or update your details, please contact

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