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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

Social Care Employment and Skills Escalator

Take part in this exciting new research project to support the development of an employment and skills escalator for adult social care careers. Contact Dr David Hancock on from the University of Exeter to take part. The interview will last 30 to 45 minutes and as recognition for your time, you will be given a gift of a £25 given after your interview.

Participant Information Sheet

Title of Project: Social Care Employment and Skills Escalator

Researcher name: Dr David Hancock

Invitation and brief summary:

The University of Exeter are currently developing an employment and skills escalator for adult social care careers – the hope for this work is to benefit workers in the sector by encouraging career planning, progression and thus staff retention. Part of this work is developing a map of training provision within the local economy to understand where any gaps may be and we also want to work with people in the sector to understand barriers people face to accessing training opportunities. The hope for developing this picture is to enable more people working in the sector to access training and thus to be able to develop their careers. Please email

Why have I been approached?

We are interested in speaking with Registered Managers in the adult social care sector working in care homes.

What would taking part involve?

We would like to conduct an interview with you to explore your perspective on training and development both personally and for those who work for you. If you agree to an interview, this will take place either via a video or telephone call, or, if you prefer, in person at your place of work. It is expected that interviews will take between 30 and 45 minutes. Interviews will be recorded and transcribed. Any personally identifiable data recorded in the interview will pseudonymised in the transcription. All interview data will be stored securely.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

It is hoped that this project will provide insight into the barriers that those working in the sector face in accessing training and qualifications.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

Apart from the use of your time, we do not anticipate any possible disadvantages for you in taking part. If you choose to take part and wish to be interviewed at your place of work, the researcher will follow any clinical guidelines that you have in place.

What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?

Participation is voluntary and you may withdraw by contacting the researcher. You will be able to delete your data until your contact details are deleted at the end of the project on September 1st 2023. If you do choose to withdraw your transcription will be permanently deleted. However, if at the time you choose to withdraw your pseudonymised interview has been used in project material, such as a report or research article, it may not be possible to fully remove your data from these materials.

How will my information be kept confidential?

The University of Exeter processes personal data for the purposes of carrying out research in the public interest. The University will endeavour to be transparent about its processing of your personal data and this information sheet should provide a clear explanation of this. If you do have any queries about the University’s processing of your personal data that cannot be resolved by the research team, further information may be obtained from the University’s Data Protection Officer by emailing or at

Interviews will be recorded on an encrypted handheld voice recorder. Upon completion of the interview the file will be transferred to the University of Exeter server and deleted from the recording device.  Audio recordings will be destroyed once transcribed and checked for accuracy. Upon completion on the project, data will be securely stored in an archive for ten years, after which it will be permanently deleted. Transcripts will be pseudonymised and the “key” will be kept separately to participant data and be password protected.

Will I receive any payment for taking part?

In recognition of the use of your time and as a token of thanks a gift of a £25 will be given after your interview

What will happen to the results of this study?

Results of the project will be disseminated through a project report shared with relevant stakeholders and through academic journal articles

Who is organising and funding this study?

The sponsor for this study is the University of Exeter.

Who has reviewed this study?

This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter (Reference Number 1382792).

Contact for any questions or requests regarding your participation in this research

In the event of queries or requests you may contact me using the following contact information. Please email

To contact the Research Ethics Committee please email

You can also contact the University Research Ethics and Governance Team if you wish to make a complaint or comment, please email,

Thank you for your interest in this project.

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