Advanced Care Planning Template
Posted: 17/08/2020
Planning Ahead for End of Life
If you would like to support individuals you are caring for who may have a terminal illness or are approaching the end of their life make arrangements for their future care. This advanced care planning booklet can help with this as it gives the individual the opportunity to think and talk about their wishes for how they are cared for in the final months of their life.
Anyone can plan for their future care, whether they are approaching the end of life or not. Advance care planning can let people know their wishes and feelings while they are still able to.
The planning for your future care, advance care planning booklet was created to help individuals prepare for the future.
The booklet has five sections that are able to complete over a period of time and when individuals feel comfortable to do so;
- Statement of your wishes and care preferences
- Advance decision making
- Putting your affairs in order
- Making a will
- Funeral planning
This plan was adapted from the Weston Hospicecare Advance Care Plan and National Preferred Priorities for Care Guidelines.
It was Written by NHS Devon, Plymouth and Torbay and Sponsored by DCT, please download and print and use as a valuable resource.
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