Safeguarding adults training is available for anyone who works with or cares for adults at risk of significant harm. The training available extends from Level 1 Awareness Level, through Level 2 Raising Safeguarding Concerns, Level 3 Practitioner, and Level 5 Responsible Manager.
All Safeguarding adults courses are specifically designed to meet occupational competencies in health and social care. The courses also incorporate the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards at all levels.
Please see the Training Guide and Newsletter below for information about which course to attend and dates. (Where is this information?)
Safeguarding training is currently funded at Level 2 and Level 3 for Private, Voluntary and Independent, Health and Social Care Providers. If you work in the statutory sector please contact our Workforce Development Team who will assist you in accessing safeguarding training at the appropriate level.
If you wish to discuss any Safeguarding Adults or Mental Capacity Act workforce development requirements and how we can assist you please contact our mailbox:
For more information please visit Safeguarding Adults.
Safeguarding Adults Training Team: Steve Dixon, Workforce Development Advisor – Responsible for advice on all Adults Safeguarding Training
Catherine Knight, Workforce Development Admin Supervisor – for all the admin of Safeguarding Adults Training
Sharon Stentiford, WD Administrator – Administers the Level 2 & Level 3 Training
To contact any members of the above Safeguarding Team, please ring 01392 383000 and ask for the person that you wish to speak to.